Friday, January 16, 2009

Elias Nelson!!!!

His dad was cleaning the bathrooms and he would just stand outside and watch..he didn't want to help but mop the floor or watch outside the bathroom not going was soo cute...thenn....He would put lean in and peak into the bathroom!!!! TO CUTE!!!

He always talked! Whatever he did he talked....mumbled...he would be like in his personal world.
He kept wondering how long his little sister was then stretch the measuring tape and look up and say.." Maybe this long!?!"

It was sooo cute his mom was holding his little sister and it was hard for me to snap this shot cause he would do it soo fast or he would be WAY to aggressive so him mom would have to push him off or he would go and work in his tools longer..but he would work then run over and touch her or something but I finally was able to get it!!! WOOT WOOT ELIAS!!!
Too cute for his own good!!!
He LOVED playing with his tools in the basement. He would just sit there and twirl this tool I don't even know the name of.
He would come close to me and jsut look around me not straight into the was really hard for him to look at the camera this close but it was cute!!
This reminded me of a side picture of a girl that all you could really see what the nose the eye lashes and stuff and when I took this it really reminded me of that!!! I was soo excited!
Elias a wonderful cute little kid that sometimes wants you to just squeeze him like a teddy bear! He was soo much fun to take pictures of. Its amazing what little hands can do. We had gone outside to play in his sandbox and it was adorable what kind of noise he made, the voom voom and the backing up one too.( I can't do it.)
He wouldn't look at me at all.....I had to ask him elias look at me, look at me elias, can you please look up?! It was tooo funny. He was like in his own personal bubbly world. And then when he finally looked at me it was called me out of my bubble. Then he would go back and do all his things again.

He had his own personal camera..and frankly it was sooo cute...he kept pushing the buttons and who nows what he was taking pictures of but there were alot of the carpet...but it was cute cause he was bragging off his camera. =)

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