Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I was able to take my camera to school today and take some pictures during chapel..sort of...I chickenend out at the very end..But I was able to take my camera into lunch and just take some pictures of people being goofy and all sorts of things...though most I would have to say didn't/don't know that I took them it was a blast!

What more do i have to say about this girl? She is just absolutly amazingly wonderfully beautiful and awesome. There is no other words i have to say to explain her.
Every day at lunch from where I sit I always have these two in my sight. Just one glance and they are watching me or talking away.

Someone took a red airhead and put it close to my lense and i was able to get the color of it in the its not really editing to have red in it..=)

These two are Bizarly wild. They just have way to much fun sometimes. =)

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